I was crazy about President Hollande: then he betrayed me

Valérie  Trierweiler
Valérie Trierweiler

In 2007, as Ségolène Royal, François Hollande’s partner, was campaigning for the presidency, Hollande and Trierweiler were conducting a clandestine affair

On the one hand we were going through a nightmare in public; on the other hand we were living a private dream. The idea of being together after the election was what kept us going. Deep down, I was convinced that if she [Ségolène Royal] was elected he would not leave her. Despite his promises, I did not believe him.

We managed to spend a night together in the midst of all this and the next morning we switched the radio on to listen to the news in bed. The first round of the presidential election was only a month away and the topic