Students admit a philosophical attitude toward taking drugs

A total of 85 per cent of students at Leeds UNiversity admit to have tried drugs
A total of 85 per cent of students at Leeds UNiversity admit to have tried drugs

Philosophy students already have a reputation for long hair and deep thinking, but they could also be more likely than their university peers to experiment with drugs.

According to a survey of 5,000 students from 21 British universities, those studying philosophy or business management were more likely to have tried drugs than those who read medicine or law.

The survey, which was conducted by an online student newspaper The Tab, also claims to show that students at the University of Leeds are more likely to have taken drugs than those at Cambridge or Durham.

The data, which The Tab admits should be taken “with a pinch of salt” because of the self-selecting sample, gives details about students’ experiences with drugs such as cannabis, MDMA, cocaine