What do the anti immigration lot really want?

Those demanding curbs on foreigners entering the UK may suffer from irrational fears they dare not admit to themselves

Here’s a test: an imaginary exchange between a prime minister and a voter. Tell me the point (if such a moment comes) when it doesn’t ring true for you.

PM: Now, sir: what would you say is your biggest concern for our country?

VOTER: Immigration from Eastern Europe.

PM: How do you think it harms us?

VOTER: Parts of Britain are being swamped. In some places our schools and social services just can’t cope. The indigenous population are being elbowed aside for housing, hospital treatment and things like that.

PM: Yes, I know this bothers people. But we could fix it. We could earmark whatever government money was needed, so that wherever immigrants were placing a big strain on public services, funds would be allocated